Featured papers

Our group is relatively new and we are currently working on products together. While those products are not ready for sharing, we thought we would feature a selection of papers authored by members of 50 Voices. Collectively, we have expertise in both biological (including in biodiversity, demography, ecosystem services, genetics, habitat use, physiology, species distribution) and social (including coexistence, environmental justice, governance, local and traditional knowledge, management, policy) components of endangered species conservation.

For those interested in joining 50 Voices, we hope this list provides an idea of the types of research current members do – perhaps you see how your work fits in or fills gaps in our current expertise.

Research with a biological focus


  • Popescu, V.D., Munshaw, R.G., Montesino-Pouzols, F., Palen, W.J., Dubman, E., Gibeau, P., and Moilanen, A. 2020. Quantifying biodiversity trade-offs in the face of widespread renewable and unconventional energy development. Scientific Reports. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-64501-7
  • Shirey, V., Belitz, M.W., Barve, V., & Guralnick, R. 2021. A complete inventory of North American butterfly occurrence data: narrowing data gaps, but increasing bias. Ecography. doi.org/10.1111/ecog.05396



  • Apodaca, J.J., Rissler, L.J. & Godwin, J.C. Population structure and gene flow in a heavily disturbed habitat: implications for the management of the imperilled Red Hills salamander (Phaeognathus hubrichti). Conservation Genetics. doi.org/10.1007/s10592-012-0340-3

Species distributions and habitat use

  • Frans, V.F. and Liu, J. 2024. Gaps and opportunities in modelling human influence on species distributions in the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology and Evolution. doi.org/10.1038/s41559-024-02435-3
  • Guzman, L.M., Elle, E., Morandin, L.A., Cobb, N.S., Chesshire, P.R., McCabe, L.M., Hughes, A., Orr, M. & M’Gonigle, L.K. 2024 Impact of pesticide use on wild bee distributions across the United States. Nature Sustainability. doi.org/10.1038/s41893-024-01413-8
  • Warrier, R., Noon, B.R., Bailey, L. 2020. Agricultural lands offer seasonal habitats to tigers in a human-dominated and fragmented landscape in India. Ecosphere. doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3080
  • Goldenberg, SZ, Owen, MA, Brown, JL, Wittemyer, G, Oo, ZM, Leimgruber, P. 2019. Increasing conservation translocation success by building social functionality in released populations. Global Ecology and Conservation. doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00604

Research with a social focus


  • Echeverri, A, Karp, DS, Naidoo, R, Zhao, J, & Chan, KMA. 2018. Approaching human-animal relationships from multiple angles: A synthetic perspective. Biological Conservation. doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2018.05.015
  • Nesbitt, H.K., Metcalf, A.L., Metcalf, E.C., Costello, C.M., Roberts, L.L., Lewis, M.S., and Gude, J.A. 2023. Human dimensions of grizzly bear conservation: The social factors underlying satisfaction and coexistence beliefs in Montana, USA. Conservation Science and Practice. doi.org/10.1111/csp2.12885
  • Raymond, L. & Olive, A. 2008. Landowner beliefs regarding biodiversity protection on private property: an Indiana case study. Society & Natural Resources. doi.org/10.1080/08941920801905203
  • Wilkinson, C.E., et al. 2020. An ecological framework for contextualizing carnivore–livestock conflict. Conservation Biology. doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13469

Environmental justice

  • Hickman, C.R., and Thorstenson, J. 2023. Adding tribal experience and removing inequity. In: Fischman et al. 2023. A landmark environmental law looks ahead. Science. doi.org/10.1126/science.adn3245

Governance, policy, and management

  • Christophersen, B.K. 2023. No Ka Lāhui: Using IUCN data to inform recovery of imperiled species of Hawaiʻi, for Hawaiʻi. Master of Environmental Management thesis. https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/items/caa9347f-68bf-4e55-9759-312f1e2d9ec4
  • Dunning, K.H. 2022. Unlikely conservation policy making in a polarized Congress: A multiple streams analysis of “America’s most successful conservation program”. Politics & Policy. doi.org/10.1111/polp.12448
  • Kroetz, K. Luque, G.M., Gephart, J.A., Jardine, S.L. Lee, P., Chicojay Moore, K., Cole, C., Steinkruger, A. & Donlan, C.J. 2020. Consequences of seafood mislabeling for marine populations and fisheries management. PNAS. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2003741117
  • Schwartz, M.W. & Williamson, M.A. 2023. Learning to overcome barriers to adaptive management. In: Fischman et al. 2023. A landmark environmental law looks ahead. Science. doi.org/10.1126/science.adn3245